
The Love Story of marble and granite in Tashas Cafe’s

Strong relationships are often forged when those involved in a challenging task or project achieve success despite tight deadlines and seemingly insurmountable hurdles. Such was the case when Natasha Sideris called on Sangengalo Marble and Granite at the eleventh hour to install a feature piece in Namib Rose marble to Tashas Waffle House in Constantia […]

All of your senses will be galvanized in the sumptuous dining and banqueting experience at The Reserve.

Restoration of The Reserve at Taj Cape Town

Taj, Cape Town is located in the historic BOE building (previously Temple Chambers and SA Reserve Bank headquarters) between St Georges Mall and Adderley Street. It’s architectural and interior design team have earned an impressive track record in meticulous and mindful preservation of the building, with The Reserve at Taj now added to its existing […]